check nut in Chinese
- 螺钉帽。
- "check" in Chinese : n. 1.(象棋)将军(!),被将军的局面。 2.(突然 ...
- "nut" in Chinese : n. 1.坚果〔核桃、榛、栗等的果实〕坚果果仁。 2.难 ...
- "nut check" in Chinese : 螺母锁紧
- "check (or jam, or lock) nut" in Chinese : 帽,并紧螺帽
- "hexagon check nut" in Chinese : 六角防松螺母
- "hexagonal check nut" in Chinese : 六角防松螺母
- "hydraulic check nut" in Chinese : 水力防松螺帽
- "pressure screw check nut" in Chinese : 压力螺钉防松螺母
- "regulator check nut" in Chinese : 调节器防松螺母
- "nut for excess pressure head check" in Chinese : 超压位防松螺母
- "nut for maximum pressure head check" in Chinese : 最大压位防松螺母
- "piston push rod check nut" in Chinese : 活塞推杆防松螺母
- "pre ure screw check nut" in Chinese : 压力螺钉防松螺母
- "a nut" in Chinese : 傻子,疯子; 傻子,疯子
- "nut" in Chinese : n. 1.坚果〔核桃、榛、栗等的果实〕坚果果仁。 2.难事,难题;难对付的人 ...
- The accident was due to the action of acid o the check nut
Other Languages
- "check nut" meaning: [Architecture] Same as locknut, 2 .
- "check nut" meaning in Japanese: 止めナット
- "check nut" meaning in Russian: стопорная гайка
"nuts" in Chinese, "nut" in Chinese, "nutted" in Chinese, "nutting" in Chinese, "sleeve nut" in Chinese, "nut tree" in Chinese, "nut butter" in Chinese, "macadamia nut" in Chinese, "jam nut" in Chinese, "check notes" in Chinese, "check nozzle" in Chinese, "check number" in Chinese, "check numbers" in Chinese, "check numplate light" in Chinese, "check observation" in Chinese, "check od of stabilizer" in Chinese, "check of axial clearance" in Chinese, "check of balance" in Chinese,
What is the meaning of check nut in Chinese and how to say check nut in Chinese? check nut Chinese meaning, check nut的中文,check nut的中文,check nut的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by